
Thursday, August 4, 2016

My Weekend

On the weekend I went to the movies,My brother and I watched lights out.I was horrified but in the end it was a happy ending,It was a scary movie but also cool,that was a awesome weekend for me and my brother.


  1. Hi Tugi,
    I like how you clearly explained what you did in the weekend, Maybe next time you could check your writing so we can understand it more clearly.

  2. Hi Tugi,i like the way you explain what you have been doing in the weekend.Next time try to explain more of the movie, I want to hear it.

  3. Kia Ora Tugi,
    WOW that sounded like a very scary movie to watch.I really like the way you wrote this clearly and we could understand it very clear. Did you have an adult with you to watch it? Anyway great job with you writing !!!

  4. Hey Tugi, my name is Liam and I'm from blaketown school. I like how you explained exactly what you did on the weekend, but have you thought about adding in descriptive words to make the story sound even exciting and more interesting? Apart from that nice story


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