The Play
For the play we are doing a book about kids showing off their sandwiches. But one kid has ordinary sandwiches and the kids that have the cool and beautiful sandwiches want his one. Then after that he gives them it and they give him their good looking sandwiches. Their names are Jacob,Matthew,Emily and Ryan. It's interesting to see that even though they made interesting sandwiches but still miss the old and ordinary sandwiches. I love interesting books like these and hope to read more that are like this.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
For maths we did Kahoot, it was about mathematics combined with riddles. It was hard but I managed to win the second one and decided to do AWS worksheets after that. The fun part about the challenge was I started from coming last and came first in the end. The hard part of the challenge was that you had to think outside the box in able to get the correct answer (etc. I was 4 years old my sister is half my age now Im 70 how old am I now?) In the end I won and is hoping to have more fun challenges like that.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Reading E-asttle
My Results for E-asttle
For Reading I had a test, I scored a 4A which was not bad but also on the national standards. The hardest and boring part of the task was reading big chucks of articles but I learnt a lot from the books I read. I think I did pretty good!
Task 13
WALT understand graphs of real-life situations
- Identify the X and Y axis
- Look at the line
- Notice changes in the line
- Identify the reason for change
The hardest part of the task was probably the X and Y axis because I didn't know much about it.The easiest and most fun part of the task was when we had to solve the hard questions the sheet gave us.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Reading PAT
For reading I have a feeling I did pretty good but some questions were hard so I went with the answer I understood the most. Most questions were easy and recognisable from previous tests. I hope I got a good score for my Reading PAT test.
Maths PAT Test
The test was hard as it had questions I did not know. But some questions were easy and fun to solve. I feel like I should of done better but I'll try harder next year.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
WALT understand the range of questions we can ask
- Read the text
- Read the questions
- Discuss what type of question each is
- Categorise questions
The hardest was seeing which one was like a think and search question and an author and me question. The easy thing about the task was reading the story and seeing on my own questions and right there questions.
Aws Worksheet
WALT work out word problems involving number sequence
- Read the questions
- Identify the missing numbers in the sequence
- Work out the missing number by using the sequence pattern
- Write down the missing numbers
The hard part of the task was probably the identifying the missing number because it got harder and harder. The easy part was reading the questions. I hope this helps me in my next tests.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Stop Kissing My sister!
WALT ask literal and inferential questions
- Read the text
- Identify key ideas you can ask questions about
- Ask literal questions where the answer is easy to find
- Ask inferential questions where the answer has to be read between the lines
The hard part about the task was asking evaluative questions because the answers were hard. The fun part about the task was learning a lesson from it and knowing that if I do something there's always a consequence towards my actions.
Aws Worksheet
Task 5
WALT work out word problems involving number sequence
- Read the questions
- Identify the missing numbers in the sequence
- Work out the missing number by using the sequence pattern
- Write down the missing numbers
My favourite part of the task was identifying the missing numbers, because I had to count in 3's,4's. It was also the hardest but I learnt something from the AWS worksheet.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Copy Rights
This is my Copyright steps, the hard part was getting the ideas together. The fun part was researching up different types of ways.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
The Test
On my test I got a 4P which is okay, but my next goal is to solve problem of the type (x + 15 =), that was the hardest part of the task. The easiest was identifying the shapes and its area.
On my test I got a 4P which is okay, but my next goal is to solve problem of the type (x + 15 =), that was the hardest part of the task. The easiest was identifying the shapes and its area.
Questioning : Car Wash Cash
WALT ask questions before, during and after reading
- Read the title and look at the pictures
- Ask questions before reading
- Read the text
- Ask questions as you read
- Ask questions when you have finished
For the task we had to make questions about the story before we read it, during and after. Asking questions before reading was hard because we had to make fat and thin about a story we haven't read. It was easy reading the text and making up questions while we were reading because we are reading the text and making a question about that page. My favourite part of the task was when he found $50 and he went to give it back and he said keep it.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Reflections Week 9
The story is about a kid and his friend Benny.They were opposite. He was skinny, Benny was muscular and a bit of fat. He was short and Benny was tall. He would go to Benny's house and they would go to the beach and cause trouble. But one day, they went to cause trouble and they saw a nervous kid on a kayake with his mum. But the kid looked like his cousin so he told Benny to not do it. But then Benny pushes him in and he flips the kids kayake over. Benny tries to help the kid but it looked like he was trying to drown him. So his friend takes the kid to shore and the mum starts saying bad words to Benny and him. Then they hear sirens from the police and they thought it was coming for them. So they ran up the hills. Then he sees Benny crying and Benny pushes him away and says it's over. They seperated and went different college's. But deep inside he misses Benny.
The story is about a kid and his friend Benny.They were opposite. He was skinny, Benny was muscular and a bit of fat. He was short and Benny was tall. He would go to Benny's house and they would go to the beach and cause trouble. But one day, they went to cause trouble and they saw a nervous kid on a kayake with his mum. But the kid looked like his cousin so he told Benny to not do it. But then Benny pushes him in and he flips the kids kayake over. Benny tries to help the kid but it looked like he was trying to drown him. So his friend takes the kid to shore and the mum starts saying bad words to Benny and him. Then they hear sirens from the police and they thought it was coming for them. So they ran up the hills. Then he sees Benny crying and Benny pushes him away and says it's over. They seperated and went different college's. But deep inside he misses Benny.
WALT find the perimeter of a shape
- Identify the measurements of the side of a shape
- Add all the measurements together
This task was about finding the perimeter of a shape. My favorite part of the task was Identifying the measurements of the side of a shape cause all I had to do was add all of the numbers together. My least was number nine and ten cause I had to add measure the lines and add it then divide it and that was the answer.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Shoe Tower
WALT: Cooperate with our teammates to build a strong tall tower.
1. Use shoes only
2. Collaborate on how to build the tower
3. Only use one pair of shoes per person
The task was to build the tallest tower possible and has to hold by itself for at least 5 seconds. Our team lost but built a pretty tall tower, not as tall as the opposing team though. My favorite part of the task was collaborating with people I hardly work with. The part I didn't like about the task was that it stunk up the whole room, which wasn't good.... But either that, the task was fun and improved our bonding with people we didn't know and also the people we always work with.
1. Use shoes only
2. Collaborate on how to build the tower
3. Only use one pair of shoes per person
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
WALT identify the author’s purpose in a text
- Read the text
- Notice the author’s language
- Make a judgement whether it is:
- To Persuade
- To Inform
- To Entertain
Today we identified the authors purpose about the text. The hard part of the task was finding the clues and proving it was that answer. The easiest and fun part was checking if we were right about our answers.
AWS Worksheet
WALT convert weight measurements
- Identify suitable measurements involving weight
- Understand the differences between weights
- Convert weights between each other
Today we did Task 9 for measurement Level 4. The easiest part of the task was identifying suitable measurements involving weight. The hard part was Understanding the difference between weight and converting weights between each other.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Junior and I made a google doc about collaboration. The hard part of the task was making rules about collaborating. The fun part about the task was finding a video on Youtube. We can use this for google docs and we will learn how to finish tasks peacefully and quickly. You can visit Juniors blog at
Monday, September 11, 2017
Market Day
On Thursday 7th of September at Wesley Intermediate School we had Market Day, there were great stores opened, great food and brilliant art work and more, people were selling and customers bought nearly most of their stuff! The most success team in our class was Stan, Salati, Owen and Junior.They made nice juicy and beautiful burgers. They made $184, The thing I loved about Market day was the popcorn. The girls gave me free popcorn with chocolate swirl and m&m's. We had one mistake about our store, we forgot the butter and accidentally burnt our chocolate. But market day was awesome, I wish we could do it again!
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Reciprocal Reading
WALT comprehend adventure novels
This story was about a family that went on a camping trip with their family and their annoying cousin. My favourite part of the book was when the little cousin shines the light off and his uncle trips over a rock and falls. Skimming and scanning got to activate my knowledge about the text and connecting it to what happened in my world.
Monday, September 4, 2017
AWS Worksheet
WALT: Convert cm, mm, km and m.
My favourite part of the task was converting cm to mm because it was easy. The hard part was converting cm to m because 657cm is 6.57m.
Friday, September 1, 2017
Reciprocal Reading
- Predict what the story is about by using headings/pictures
- Ask questions about the text
- Clarify anything you have read that you don’t understand
- Summarise what the text was about
On Thursday we did reciprocal reading. My favourite part of reading was recapping and being "the boss" and also summarising what happened in the story. My least was (asking questions about the story) because I didn't remember the story well.
AWS Worksheet
Today I learnt how to find the maximum and minimum to decimal equations etc. 1.3(+-)1.4=
Hardest part of the task was ± means ‘plus or minus’ because I thought it meant either take away or plus I choose.
The easiest part of the task was measuring and estimating the right measurement for mm.
Hardest part of the task was ± means ‘plus or minus’ because I thought it meant either take away or plus I choose.
The easiest part of the task was measuring and estimating the right measurement for mm.
Friday, August 18, 2017
S.R.A Cards
WALT build our vocabulary and comprehension
- Read the text
- Activate knowledge about the text
- Skim and scan for key information
Reading the text was easy, the hardest part of the sra was activating my knowledge about the text, but skimming and scanning for answers was easy and useful for hidden answers of some questions.
A.W.S Worksheet
WALT find angles in a triangle
- Add known angles together
- Subtract total from 180°
My favorite part of the task was adding the angles together and using that answer like 150+( ) = 180 . The hardest part of the task was subtracting total from 180 degrees.
Friday, August 11, 2017
Open Day
Open Day
On Tuesday Edendale Primary School came for Open Day. I was in Robotics with Samuel,Wynstan,Tapu and Mr Crowe. My favorite part of the day was helping out with the instructions for clapping directions and scanning bar codes. My least favorite was doing the same thing over and over again. But it was still incredible on how our mine set grew very fast to technology.

AWS Worksheet
WALT find adjacent angles on a straight line
- Take opposite angle away from 180°
- Write answer for angle
The hardest part of the task was not understanding how to do it. My favorite part of the lesson was learning and taking away for etc. 180-117 = 63 and writing onto my book.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
WALT: Plan our pick a path story
My favourite art was working well with my peers and making an interesting plan towards our pick a path story. My least was making up ideas cause making a pick a path story is hard. My next goal is to bring all the planning and ideas together and make a good pick a path story.
My favourite art was working well with my peers and making an interesting plan towards our pick a path story. My least was making up ideas cause making a pick a path story is hard. My next goal is to bring all the planning and ideas together and make a good pick a path story.
WALT: Use the clues in the text to find the correct answer
My favourite part of the task was reading (Letter from Henry) the letter was interesting and some vocabulary are new to me. The hardest part of the story was finding the correct answer because I had to use half of my knowledge and half of the book to find the correct answer.My next goal is to learn the new vocabulary I found and use it for the future.
My favourite part of the task was reading (Letter from Henry) the letter was interesting and some vocabulary are new to me. The hardest part of the story was finding the correct answer because I had to use half of my knowledge and half of the book to find the correct answer.My next goal is to learn the new vocabulary I found and use it for the future.
Walt: Familiarity with the common decimal and percentage equivalents of fractions with denominators of 2,4,10,100
My favourite part of the task was understanding and converting fractions into percentages and percentages to decimals. The hardest part of the task was comparing decimals to fractions. My next goal is to get better at comparing decimals to fractions so I could use it in the future.
My favourite part of the task was understanding and converting fractions into percentages and percentages to decimals. The hardest part of the task was comparing decimals to fractions. My next goal is to get better at comparing decimals to fractions so I could use it in the future.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Reading Reflection Template
- Read the text
- Activate knowledge about the text
Today I did an S.R.A tracker. My favorite part of the task was reading the book (The Audition) and finding some new and interesting words. My least was trying to look for a word that matches one of the words in the story. My next goal is to use those new and interesting words in different types of situations and tasks.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Central Zone Football Tournament
Football Tournament
On Thursday 1st of June we took a van to Seddon Field Western Springs. It was our last game Auckland Normal, all our boys were keen to play as a team this time. I was goalkeeper and was very nervous. I ran into the field ready to save some goals. The whistle blew and our team ran to attack all of a sudden an intercept happened and they could only count on me. Bang they shot the ball like a flying dart but I saved it! with my griped hands. In the end the points were 4-0 to A.N.I but our team was proud of all the teamwork we had on that last game. I had 7 saves and 4 mistakes.
On Thursday 1st of June we took a van to Seddon Field Western Springs. It was our last game Auckland Normal, all our boys were keen to play as a team this time. I was goalkeeper and was very nervous. I ran into the field ready to save some goals. The whistle blew and our team ran to attack all of a sudden an intercept happened and they could only count on me. Bang they shot the ball like a flying dart but I saved it! with my griped hands. In the end the points were 4-0 to A.N.I but our team was proud of all the teamwork we had on that last game. I had 7 saves and 4 mistakes.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Monday, May 8, 2017
Our inquiry Kidnapping.
This is our inquiry, my favorite part of this task was gathering information and evidence. I think that the most challenging part of the task was presenting because the slide was kinda too long. The most fun thing I had to do was making a Tinkercad of a model and it was a camouflaged camera that snapshots the car or persons face if kidnapping is happening. Make sure you comment down below if you thought it was good!
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