
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Match Report

                                                          Match Report picture of the cover.

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Haunted Park


Success Criteria:
  • Present Tense
  • Intro, body, conclusion
  • Descriptive detail

It was the middle of the day and it is really hot.I look at an abundant park that looks old,scary and haunted.I see swings swinging by themselves.So I just kept walking.

I am walking home and suddenly I catch something on the corner of my right eye.I see a standing figure on the corner staring at me like it wants to kill me.So I run and run and run until I could run no more.I look to the back and I see her running towards me.So then I run and run and run until I made it home.I lock the door and run to my room.My mum is wondering why I’m running.I lock my door and I look straight to the mirror and there she was.Standing there about to do somtething horrible until APRIL FOOLS! It is my cousin Nelly,she pranked me on the spot.I told her to get out of my room but she laughs at me.So I call my mum and she jumps out of the window.

The very next day I walked past the abundant park and I look at it.I see an arm on the swing but there is no body or anything.So I run home as quick as I could.

The last day until I moved to Australia.I finally decide to go to the abundant park and look for that haunted arm.I take a real strong stick incase it tries to attack me.I walk in,spine shivering,hands shaking,head panicking.I see the arm.It charges like a bull towards me.I wack the arm and it flys to the slide.The arm slides down and trys to attack me but I hit it to the ground and start beating it until it was dead.It died and I walked out with blood all over my shirt.The government saw me as he walked past and I told him there is no more scary arm at that park and he gave me a medal of honor for the death of the arm.

                                                    The End

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My passion project

Hi I'm Tugi,I am learning about my passion project.If you don't know what a passion project is you can look at the video on the bottom.
What I did was drumming if you don't know what drumming is then please look below and watch the video below.
But all these videos are not mine and are from someone else.What I did was went on a website called
and chose a drum kit I wanted to play with.I then got a song out of youtube and tried to drum with it's beat.3 weeks later I got use to playing drums and tried drumming on a real drum.After that I completed my passion project by playing a song.